Would you like successfully to complete the Nissan Micra radio code unlock free by serial number? If you do, we have interesting news for you! This is possible if you have the right tool to complete the job. Therefore we recommend you spend some time here to learn all the secrets about this problem and its solution. From the start you need to know that we are here to help you with useful information and the guides in steps to get and enter your Micra Micra radio code. Bear with us folks!

Nissan Micra Radio Code

Nissan Micra Radio Code

When it comes to security systems the Nissan Micra radios are the ones with the highest level of security! The device can be used only by the owner and only he has the original unlock Nissan Micra radio code.

What are the main characteristics of the Nissan radio codes? The unlock Nissan passcode is a four-digit code. It contains only digits without letters. If someone offers you a solution to your problem and offers you a code with letters then you should know from the start that the password is wrong.

As an owner, only the first owner of the Nissan Micra vehicle receives the code. He must keep that particular important information in a safe place. If someone else gets the car from the first owner (the second or the third owner), he needs to ask for that information from the first owner. This means that if the present owner of a Nissan Micra vehicle doesn’t have the Nissan Micra radio code he can’t start the device after electricity problems.

If you or some of your friends have that specific problem you should know that you must use a special Nissan Micra radio code generator to generate your lost code using real information about your vehicle’s VIN combination and the radio’s serial combination. Below in the text, we will explain to you all that you need to do in a step-by-step procedure.

Micra Radio Model

Steps To Get Nissan Micra Radio Code

If you don’t have your true original code and you must use it to unlock your Micra radio device, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Nissan Micra radio code generator on any phone or computer.
  2. Open the generator.
  3. Insert the VIN combination.
  4. Select the exact Nissan model.
  5. Fill in the radio’s serial number.
  6. Enter your valid email address.
  7. Press the generate button.

Once you complete all seven steps from the guide above you will need to wait for a while. Then, after a couple of minutes or so, on your email address, you will receive a new message that contains your original Micra unlock combination.

* It’s is really important to know that the method works for every Micra radio model! Check this article if you want to find how to get any Nissan code!

Enter The Code Manually

Everything is much easier when you will get your true code. It’s on you to insert the code that you receive into your locked device. You must complete the procedure manually. If you don’t know how, just follow the guide below:

  • Start by pressing the main power button.
  • Use the radio’s button number 1 to set the first digit from the Nissan Micra radio code. Repeat the pressing process of the button until you see the right digit on the place of the first zero on the display!
  • Repeat the entering process from the previous step for the second, third, and fourth code digits using the radio buttons with number 2, 3, and 4.
  • Once you set all the digits correctly just press the radio button with number six and hold it until the device start working again.
Nissan Micra Radio Code Unlock Free

The video tutorial below can help you if you have some additional problem during the entering process! Watch it, it will help you!

* Note that if you have some problems during the regeneration procedure you can write us, and we will try to help you! Best regards!


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